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Examination & Assessment Results


The success of our examination results is a direct result of conscientious students, supportive parents and having the very best staff in a School.  

It is clear that when you couple high quality pastoral care with high academic standards and expectations, young people are able to flourish and achieve their very best.

Our results are testament to the talented and committed teachers that we have at Oakmoor who work in excellent partnership with supportive parents and hard working students at our school.  Once again, our ethos of high expectation and aspiration which is firmly established at Oakmoor is demonstrated with our continued examination success.

When Ofsted Inspectors visited our school, they reported that “senior leaders have established an ethos of high expectation and aspiration which is central to the life of the school” and that “pupils are safe, happy and well looked after. Teachers are passionate about doing their best for the pupils they teach and pupils are making increasingly good progress.” 

For Summer 2024, the results were English Grade 4+=60%, Mathematics Grade 4+= 69%, P8 = , A8 = 39, 4+ Basics = 57%.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

One of the most important roles I have as Headteacher is to ensure that the very best teachers remain at the school whilst appointing high-quality, talented staff.

Last term, I made several excellent appointments to our teaching team, all of whom joined us at the start of this year.  This will strengthen the school even further.  I am therefore very excited about the new academic year ahead as we work to provide an outstanding education for the young people of Whitehill & Bordon and the surrounding area.

Mr N Wright MMath


Compare School Performance Data:

Key Stage 4 Performance:

Oakmoor School: Secondary - Oakmoor School - Compare school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (