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Oakmoor School

Budds Lane, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 0JB.

Tel: 01420 472132



Please use the postal address, telephone number or enquiries email address above to contact those listed below.

Headteacher: Mr N Wright

Chair of Governors: Mr P Hurst:

SENDCO: Mrs V Forbes

School receptionists: Mrs H. Newing & Mrs R. Burnham



If parents wish to contact staff regarding a child, the first point of contact is the Mentor.  We also have Pastoral Assistants who are non-teaching members of staff, available throughout the school day.

Academic and Pastoral Leaders (House Leaders) can be contacted.

When you visit the school please report to the school reception.  To avoid disappointment, we request that parents make an appointment with the member of staff before you visit.

The School Day

Monday - Friday


8.30 - 9.00am

Period 1

9.00 - 10.00am

Period 2

10.00 - 11.00am


11.00 - 11.25am

Period 3

11.25 - 12.25pm

Period 4

12.25 - 1.25pm


1.25 - 2.00pm

Period 5

2.00 - 3.00pm